B&J Personal Insurance. Building Long Terms Relationships Your Way
Whether you're a Millennial, a Gen X'r, or a Baby Boomer we care about your story and what your individual needs are. We understand no matter what your age, you want to protect your assets and achieve long term financial goals to provide peace of mind for you and your family.
At B&J, we start by listening to your story. Listening helps us understand your dreams and goals. You're more than just a voice on the phone or a message via text. Whichever way you communicate, we care about you and we're here to build and develop relationships your way. For baby boomers that may mean a face to face conversation, to millennials it may start out with an information exchange through social media or text. For Gen X's, it may mean an online quote. No matter what method of communication you use, we care about YOU! Together, we can help you find a plan that uncovers your risks, protects your future and provides long term security.
Our personal insurance coverage includes the following:
• Homeowners

Your home is a safe haven and one of the largest investments you'll ever make in your lifetime. It's filled with your best memories and houses your most treasured belongings. At B&J, we're here to advise and protect you and your family in the event of loss or damage.
Homeowners insurance covers the structure of your home to repair or rebuild your home in the event that it's damaged or destroyed by fire, hurricane, hail, lighting or other natural disasters. It does not cover floods, earthquakes or routine wear and tear. Most standard policies cover structures detached from the home such as garages, gazebos, and shed. However, they are usually not covered at 100%. That's why it's important to discuss you're specific needs with a B&J agent.
Coverage of personal belongings are also covered in the event they are stolen or destroyed by fire or other natural disasters. Many carriers cover 50-70% coverage of the amount of insurance you have on the structure of your home. For example, if your policy has $100,000 of coverage, you'd receive $50,000 to $70,000 on a claim. At B&J, we recommend putting together a home inventory list to determine if you need to insure items such as art, jewelry, silver or furs on a separate umbrella policy.
Liability protection covers against lawsuits for bodily injury or property damage that you or your family cause to other people. It also covers damage caused by your pets to a neighbor or friends home. The liability portion pays for defending you in court, including any court damages that may be awarded. However, there are limits. Most policies start at $100,000. Some experts suggest writing $300,000 worth of protection. Umbrella coverage can be added to provide broader coverage, including claims against libel and slander.
Homeowner's coverage also provides no-fault medical coverage. If a friend or neighbor is injured in your home, medical bills can be submitted through your homeowners' policy. Coverage does not include medical bills for your family or your pets.
In the event your home is damaged due to a fire or storm, the policy also covers additional living expenses (ALE) for living away from your home. ALE covers hotel bills, some restaurant meals and other expenses while your home is being rebuilt. There are limits and most policies only cover about 20% of the insurance that you carry on your house. Coverage can be increased for an additional amount.
• Condominium Insurance
Condominium insurance protects what's inside your unit such as personal belongings, appliances and such. Condo associations generally have insurance that covers the outside of your property but they do not cover your personal property or personal liability. Condo policies fill in the holes where condo associations' policies generally end.
• Renters Insurance
Renters insurance covers your personal possessions. The building owner has insurance on the building itself but does not cover you against liability claims or your possessions.
• Renters Insurance
Basic Landlord Insurance covers the structure itself in the event of damage. It also covers liability protection to cover any personal injuries that occur on the premises in the event they are deemed to be the fault of the landlord as a result of negligence. Similar to condo insurance, landlord insurance typically does not carry personal property coverage since tenants are responsible for their own belongings. If tools or maintenance equipment is on site, we suggest adding personal property coverage.
In addition, if you are leasing a fully furnished home or apartment, you should purchase contents coverage to insure belongings in the leased space.
Other Additional types of coverage to consider:
Coverage for legal fees
Loss of rent
Business fraud insurance
Umbrella liability
Worker comp
Natural disaster coverag
• Personal Umbrella Insurance
Think of personal umbrella coverage as an extra layer of protection. It's designed to cover claims that are large and catastrophic in nature. It provides individuals and families with higher limits of liability protection that are over and above the amounts covered in a typical homeowners or auto insurance plan. They are written with a minimum limit of liability of $1,000,000.00 with higher limits available.
Why do I need to consider this?
Imagine this scenario. Your daughter is in a car accident. His friend is severely injured while in the car. The injuries result in medical bills in excess of $1,000,000.00 dollars. Your auto policy has $500,000 of coverage for medical. If sued, you could be held liable for the additional $500,000.00 that would then come out of your pocket. With Umbrella coverage, it would pay out the $500,000.00.
Another example might be an accident that occurs in your home. Your son has invited a friend over and they are riding around on a dirt bike on your property. His friend falls off and hits his head and sustains injuries in excess of the amount your homeowner's policy covers. If sued for damages, you could be held liable. An Umbrella policy offers added protection.
Did you know that an umbrella policy covers damages caused by slander, libel, defamation, invasion of privacy, wrongful entry and related issues? These items are not covered under a homeowner's personal liability insurance.
Is an umbrella policy expensive and do I really need it?
Adding this additional coverage is affordable and provides comfort and peace of mind. Typically, Umbrella plan's cost $12.00-$15.00 a month.
• Flood Insurance. Understanding the Basics.
Flood insurance is one of most misunderstood forms of coverage. It is often confused with sewer backup coverage and many policyholders believe that it is included in their homeowner's policy. At B&J, we know that an educated customer is a happier customer. Understanding the basics is important.
The Facts:
Flooding is one of the costliest and most common natural disasters. Wisconsin has experienced several floods due to heavier than usual rains within the past several years.
Did you know that flood insurance can only be purchased through an agent, not the federal government? Many people fail to purchase flood insurance thinking it's covered on their personal homeowner's policy. In many cases, it's not, so it's important to talk to us to determine whether your policy has flood coverage or if you live in an area that's considered a high risk zone.
Sewer backup Insurance including sump pump failure coverage is available on most homeowner's policies. When a sump pump fails and sewer or drain damage occurs, coverage is available. However, it is generally excluded with surface water flooding that results in additional sewer backup. When sewer backup occurs, it becomes a health hazard for you and your family. At B&J, we want our clients to understand the differences in coverage so in the event of catastrophe you are covered.
• Mobile Home Insurance
Homeowners insurance does not cover mobile homes since they are not site-built dwellings in the eyes of insurers. Mobile homes are fastened to the ground and made of considerably lighter materials than typical homes. They are considered to have more risks than traditional built homes based on how they are constructed and placed onto a site. Mobile home buyers can protect their home with mobile home insurance.